          回覆:神的預知 # 5286 In order to form a Communist Party, you have to have a 房地產hottest (That means you no longer can afford to rely on writing but voice only; that means every one of that gro 會場佈置up member must be absolute honest, say whatever honestly from the heart, dare admit whatever biggest wrong the moment when that wrong f 房屋二胎ound out by self voluntarily immediately or failed to be found out by self but point out by others, like Satan agree with God the moment when God pointed out tha 借貸t wrong out of that Satan's hell, and willing to take that wrong doing consequence to give up every thing that linked to power money sex but hide inside a isolated place to wri 術後面膜te the regret to alert every one else not to repeat that wrong again. That means your writing can only use to blame yourself only; any finger pointing must rely on voice only and gone with wind along with 室內裝潢that be blamed out of public eyes.) group of people who really care your powerless helpless desperate people's life but hate your form of nation and hate your all government workers and hate your own military force that h 花蓮民宿ate so great that all those less evil who work in your government, formed your nation, given life to your military force all agree with that hate rahter be that hottest group of people's backers invisibly that so forceful and powerful to the deg 賣房子ree to tear down your entire nation entire government entire military force in a flash and made that tranaFORM so fast that made the anarchy now hardly visible. I don't see it can happen in USA like it happened in Mainland China more than 60 years ago. That how you 酒店兼職 should just nuclear bomb the entire Continent of America right away to save all good remaining in the Continent of America bring into their next Earth life immediately.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 東森房屋  .

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